Friday 7 November 2014

Love/Light Light/Love

In this photo you can see how everything connects, everything in this universe comes from one source, one infinite. Hence why everything in this picture, if it is found in space or a plant growing on earth, all follow one way. 'That which is above is the same as that which is below' quote we have all heard. Within is without. All of that makes sense if you can learn to understand and accept life as equal to yourself. 

Cells are alive- they follow partway on their "planet/universe", they consume, they repair their planet when 'injuried.' They died, they reproduce. They have army's that will fight alien life (viruses) that wish to infect their planet. They accept all other beings on their planet- beside the ones that damage it. The stronger their planet gets the strong they become. 
⭐️(Their planet/universe as in the human body)⭐️

When you look at something like an atom
And then at a solar system

It isn't hard to see the connection. Yes, they are different because life is uqunie, complex, challenging, a teacher, but also a loving mother and father to provide for you and lastly it is you. Crazy I know! But simple to see when you start looking for connection about (life/universe/ourselves) not differences, for we have always been one just some of us have lost their way from themselves; nature.

⚡️⚡️Follow up on the next post to read about what happens when you reconnect with nature (which is also yourself).⚡️⚡️

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Just cool

Right from Wrong

This makes sense right! They only care about our health that is why things are illegal


I am falling hard but I am standing still. I am hurting so bad but I show no scratch. This feeling came unannounced, unwanted, but now I am stuck. Stuck with this feeling for more but left with nothing. I didn't want this, not so soon, I'm not ready and I am not strong enough. I didn't think this could happen, not like this. My nights so cold and alone with so many questions flying through my head and none of them I have the answers for. I am surrounded by thousands of people, and more than one could help me, but alls I want, is just one... You.

Sunday 2 November 2014



Small like cells in our body. Our importance doesn't come from one of us shining but all of us leading and helping each other. Just like the different life beings that exist in us , work together to let us grow and do amazing things. 

But we destory our body- earth, therefore we have so much death and war around us. 
